From the Internationally Best-Selling Book and Brand in 13 countries…
Health-A-Pedia Presents:
The Essence of a Woman!!
Featured Authors:
Tiffany Haddish - Actress and New York Times Best Selling Author
Dr. Khalilah Camacho Ali - Actress and former wife of Muhammad Ali
HRH Princess Dr. Moradeun Ogunlana - UN Ambassador from Nigeria
Dr. Jo Dee Baer - Dr. Jo Dee Baer is America's "Foundational Health Coach." Dr. Jo Dee is a TV, Podcast and Radio Host and Participant. She is a celebrated author and anchor of this book and movement for women to network and help each other to rise and unleash their multi-faceted talents!
Intimately journey with women who are making a difference as thought leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs. They breakdown their mission and vision into personal challenges that they have overcome to make a difference for others.
Virtual Summit: Sept. 27, 28, 29 at Noon each day or YouTube : Health-A-Pedia365
Sign-up for more information
Amazon Bestseller
Amazon Bestseller
Over 1.1 Million Books downloaded for International Best-Selling Author, Dr Jo Dee Baer’s newest book,
“21 Days to Your Best You: Keys to a Life of Excellence”
Order your own AUTOGRAPHED copy!
“Health isn't something you DO. It's what you BECOME along life's journey."
—Dr. Jo Dee Baer
Learn how to transform your BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT in
Foundational Health by Dr. Jo Dee
“I want to empower you with all that lies within you.”
Meet Dr. Jo Dee Baer
Hey there, I’m Dr. Jo Dee Baer, Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Foundational Health Coach, and alternative health pioneer for 42 Years. My Foundational Health Approach has allowed clients to lose over 1,000,000 lbs. of toxic fat and KEEP IT OFF! The best news? The NEXT pounds can be yours! We can integrate my favorite motto into your life: “No food tastes as good as health feels.”
In the COVID ERA, I’ve been honored to assist over 2000 clients to reverse this degeneration and regain their health.
I have experienced challenges of temporary paralysis and short-term memory loss from two near fatal auto accidents, and have recovered and thrived from Stage 4 Melanoma 22 years ago. . I can teach you from my expertise, experience, and truly empower you to believe that a ‘a setback is only a set up for a comeback’. Isn’t it time to leave your ‘situation’ in the rearview mirror and say: I CAN! EXCEL, and DESIGN your BEST Health4Life & THRIVE?
As a Board Member, Advocacy Council for Alternative Medicine Practitioners (ACAMP)—I remain in the inner circle of the latest foundational health protocols and practices to train and empower the NEXT Generation of Healers.
Health-A-Pedia is HERE!
International Best-Selling Author, Dr Jo Dee Baer, is releasing her latest compilation with health and wellness professionals around the world! Get your special autographed copy!
Become an Author
Do You have a Story to Share as a Woman in “Health-A-Pedia: Women’s Essence”?
Join Others with a Powerful Story to Tell and Inspire the World!
As Seen On TV
“Life is like a Milkshake. Choose your Ingredients wisely and when you do? Your life will be OH! So! SWEET”
Watch Dr Jo Dee host Life’s Milkshake Moments! Click HERE for details on all her shows & times or hit the button below to watch the replays!
Tune in to hear Dr Jo Dee on Building Fortunes Radio!
SUNDAYS at 8:30 pm ET
DIAL IN: 347-237-4097 or Online:
Dr Jo Dee has had the honor of directly working with the legendary Les Brown!

International Bestseller List
Dr Jo Dee has now authored multiple International Bestsellers, with more books soon to be released! Check out her inspiring books to grab your copies today!
Discover what we can do for you:
Global Optimal Healing and Wholeness through empowering individuals with energy, to create vitality, which transcends to longevity in Foundation Health.
Dr Jo Dee’s Mission:
Empowering 1 million lives in all Six Pillars of human existence: Spiritually; Physically; Mentally; Emotionally; Socially; and Financially to become ‘Game Changers’ in their lives and to believe that…
“No food tastes as good as health feels”
Are you ready for a healthy life?
Do you listen to the warning signs of your body? Overall, how happy are you with your life? Click below to find out where your health is and see for yourself if you need to get your health back!
What level are you?
Dr. Jo Dee believes that there are two levels of ‘Wellness’ followed by a more pervasive unhealthy lifestyle, where poor nutrition and over eating lead to obesity and unhappiness. ‘We sabotage ourselves’ Dr. Jo Dee says, ‘We make poor choices in the food we eat, are sedentary, and pretty soon we come to believe that we can’t reverse the changes that this lifestyle makes on our body’.
Looking at all three levels of wellness, Level 1 and 2 can be a challenge for the uncommitted person, but ‘what’s the alternative’ she says! She believes that the key to a healthy life is to make a commitment to wellness – either Level 1 or 2 will work, Level 1 is for the athlete; and Level 2 is for the individual who just wants to be fit and healthy. A plan is essential; Levels 1 and 2 can both be sabotaged by family and friends, but “No food tastes as good as health feels.” Let me help you make that plan that works for you.
Level 1
Dr Jo Dee knows this level is not for everyone, the vegetarian (organic, raw in a blender) daily; Select Organic whole foods (fish, shellfish, chicken) along with vitamins and personally selected supplements, Gluten free bread, natural additive free spices, Himalayan sea-salt, and fresh fruit for dessert. Steer clear of red meat, pork, processed meats, sugar, and dairy products. Drink lemon water first thing in the morning. Cleanse and Detox regularly.
Level 2
Dr Jo Dee believes this level is obtainable for everyone. Raw vegetables in the blender are optional, but fresh organic vegetables are best. Small portions of lean meat are OK, but fish is better. Use natural spices, Himalayan sea-salt, to season. Cravings for dessert can be satisfied with fresh fruit. The simple rule: shop around the periphery of the supermarket; Stay away from the canned and processed foods in the middle aisles. Note – ‘the seductive foods are in the middle aisles, Go there for mops and paper towels – not for food’!
Level 3
Dr Jo Dee says, This is the unplanned – ‘Let’s go to the supermarket, lets run out and get a bite, lets order fast food, lets open a couple cans and boil up some pasta diet’. With the right ‘genes’ and metabolism, if you smoke and don’t eat much you might not become obese, but you won’t be healthy. This diet is the cousin to the ‘inner city’ diet, where there are no supermarkets, only the ‘fast-food/ franken food’ take out place on the corner. Jo Dee says, ‘This is the fast track to morbid obesity (excess estrogen), heart disease, diabetes and early death!

How can I get my health back with Dr. Jo Dee?
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